Wednesday, August 31, 2011


A few years ago, I heard about the concept of a 30th bucket list--things to do before you turn 30. In my group of friends, that included things like getting baptized, doing a triathlon, or other milestones. I never had a list of things I wanted to do, but I was jealous of people who were able to set goals and follow through with them.

For my 29th birthday, I asked my friends what they thought I should do in the final year of my twenties. They responded... with gusto:) I promised to do as many of these items as I could and document my adventures. It was a good excuse to give my meandering life some sort of theme and I am excited to start checking things off my list!

Why a blog? Equal parts accountability, exhibitionism, and narcissism:)

(FYI: I'll accept challenges for a few more days in hopes of getting more ideas of different (read oddball) genres... So if you think of something really good, please add it to the comments!!)

See the full list HERE!